Ciel Fledge Alpha 5 demo is here!
This demo contain a balancing overhaul for how stamina is being used in activities/jobs and how skipping encounter works. Ciel’s stamina will no longer replenish each week now to prevent activity/job spamming when her stamina is high enough, so you must pay attention to her schedule better by utilizing rest and item usage in-between schedule better.
Skipping encounter will not incur massive penalties now. Instead it does nothing, while accepting and doing encounter will net you more benefit in terms of stats increase and item “loot”.
Basic trait system has also been added, although it’s still in the works. You can access trait on Child > Status > Traits
Just like the previous demo, the demo will run up to year 2 month 4 week 2.
Feedbacks and critiques are welcome, you can also chat with us directly about the game in our discord channel here:
We are also running a Kickstarter campaign right now to help fund some of the development cost, if you are interested, you can visit the Kickstarter campaign page here:
The demo can be downloaded here: